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New Arrivals
New Arrivals
It's a new month with new special arrivals! We're happy to present an exciting collection of new species added to our range for the first time and ready to be delivered to you anywhere in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all UAE! Can't find what you're looking for? We can help! Contact us by clicking here to offer our assistance.
12 items
Royal Whiptail
Dhs 23.10
Åpex - Albino Red Cap
Dhs 36.75
Atabapo Altum Angel
Dhs 456.75
Cardinal Tetra
Dhs 8.40
Stendker - Brilliant Turquoise
From Dhs 304.50
Lemon Tetra
Dhs 5.25
Bandit Corydoras
Dhs 16.80
Red Neon Sumatra Goby
Dhs 9.45
Siamese Algae Eater
Dhs 15.75
Apistogramma Agassizii Double Red
From Dhs 28.35
Corydoras Venezuela 'Orange'
Dhs 52.50
Golden Severum
From Dhs 12.60