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Live Plants
Live Plants
Buy aquarium live plants in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all UAE, frequent fresh arrivals including tissue culture cups (in-vitro), potted plants, portions, blister packs, mosses, and more in easy, medium, and advance choices! Products can be found easier by viewing our different categories and sections. Can't find what you're looking for? We can help! Contact us by clicking here to offer our assistance.
9 items
1-2-Grow! Monosolenium tenerum
Dhs 36.75
1-2-Grow! Riccardia chamedryfolia
Dhs 84.00
1-2-Grow! Taxiphyllum 'Flame'
Dhs 36.75
1-2-Grow! Taxiphyllum 'Spiky'
Dhs 36.75
1-2-Grow! Taxiphyllum 'Taiwan moss'
Dhs 36.75
1-2-Grow! Taxiphyllum barbieri
Dhs 36.75
1-2-Grow! Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping'
Dhs 36.75
Cladophora aegagropila (Moss Balls)
From Dhs 21.00
Vesicularia d. 'Christmas' on wood
Dhs 57.75