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Live Fish
Live Fish
Shop for high quality tropical freshwater fish, offering you a healthy, clean, and prescreened selection of compatible stocks from a single safe source. All orders are hand delivered by our Discus.ae delivery service and packed following the professional breeder guidelines.
386 items
Sakura Red
Dhs 6.83
Santa Maria Bleeding Heart Endler
Dhs 10.50
Santa Super CRS
Dhs 28.09
Scarlet Gem Badis
Dhs 36.75
Schaller ́s Croaking Gourami
Dhs 10.50
Seachem Alkaline Buffer (pH Buffer)
Dhs 41.22
Dhs 46.19
Shadow Panda
Dhs 38.59
Shadow Panda (Hinomaru/No Entry)
Dhs 71.40
Shadow Panda (Mosura/Flower Head)
Dhs 42.00
Siamese Algae Eater
Dhs 15.75
Silver Cichlid (Vieja argentea)
Dhs 47.25
Silver Glass Catfish
Dhs 15.75
Snakeskin Blue Ivory Guppy
Dhs 57.75
Stendker - Alenquer
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Blue Diamond
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Brilliant Turquoise
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Checkerboard
From Dhs 168.00
Stendker - Dark Angel
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - German Wonder
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Green Angel
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Kobalt
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Leopard - Red Leopard
From Dhs 168.00
Stendker - Leopard Snake Skin
From Dhs 168.00
Stendker - Marlboro Red
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Pigeon Blood
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Pigeon Blood Blue
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Pigeon Blood Red
From Dhs 189.00
Stendker - Pigeon Blood Silver
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Pigeon Blood Snake
From Dhs 168.00
Stendker - Red Scribbelt
From Dhs 162.75
Stendker - Red Turquoise
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Santarem
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Snake Skin Blue
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Snake Skin Red
From Dhs 152.25
Stendker - Solid Fire Red
From Dhs 168.00
Stendker - Solid Turquoise
From Dhs 152.25