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Live Fish
Live Fish
Shop for high quality tropical freshwater fish, offering you a healthy, clean, and prescreened selection of compatible stocks from a single safe source. All orders are hand delivered by our Discus.ae delivery service and packed following the professional breeder guidelines.
386 العناصر
Lake Kurumoi Rainbow
Dhs 26.25
Lemon Cockatoo Dwarf
Dhs 26.25
Leopard Guppy
Dhs 42.00
Licorice Gourami 'anjunganensis'
Dhs 6.30
Licorice Gourami 'gunawani'
Dhs 10.50
Licorice Gourami 'Manta Maria'
Dhs 10.50
Licorice Gourami Moonspot
Dhs 12.60
Luminous Leopard Guppy
Dhs 6.30
Manapiare Flag Cichlid
Dhs 15.75
Medaka Platinum
Dhs 16.80
Medaka Stardust
Dhs 16.80
Medaka Youkihi
Dhs 16.80
Melachite Green
من Dhs 18.90
Metal Pingu Guppy
Dhs 42.00
Metal Snakeskin Blacktail Guppy
Dhs 21.00
Metal Snakeskin Bluetail Guppy
Dhs 42.00
Metal Yellow Lace Roundtail
Dhs 42.00
Metallic Blue Boa
Dhs 577.50
Moscow Green Guppy
Dhs 42.00
Naked Micro Rasbora
Dhs 8.40
Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Dhs 7.35
Neon Flame Guppy
Dhs 8.40
Neon Golden Barb
من Dhs 7.35
New Golden Wonder
من Dhs 6.30
Norman’s Lampeye
Dhs 3.15
Orange Eye Black Diamond
Dhs 94.50
Orange Eye Blue Tiger
Dhs 44.10
Orange Eye Red Diamond
Dhs 94.50
Orange Flash Cockatoo Dwarf
Dhs 26.25
Orange Glass Rili
من Dhs 10.50
Painted Black
من Dhs 10.50
Painted Red
من Dhs 8.40
Paskai Rainbowfish
Dhs 10.50
Pearl Gourami
من Dhs 10.50
Pineapple Sailfin Swordtail
Dhs 84.00
Pinto Zebra Black
Dhs 52.50